For Sellers

Lifetime Opportunity for Sellers

Why Right Now Is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for Sellers

If you’re thinking about selling your house in 2022, you truly have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at your fingertips. When selling anything, you always hope for strong demand for the item coupled with a limited supply. That maximizes your leverage when you’re negotiating the sale. Home sellers are in that exact situation right now. Here’s why. Demand Is Very Strong According

Why Right Now Is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for Sellers Read More »

Homeowner Thinking About Climate Change

Are You a Homeowner Thinking About Climate Change?

Americans are more aware than ever of the effects climate change and natural disasters can have on their homes. According to a report from “More than 3 in 4 recent buyers, 78%, took [natural disasters] into account when choosing the locations of their homes, . . .” The study also found that many existing homeowners (34%) have already considered

Are You a Homeowner Thinking About Climate Change? Read More »

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